We’re like a movie and my role is…
The quote on quote “good guy”
I know I’m your friend, and I do the right things
Like give you great advice
I definitely have helped you when needed
And what does it bring?
Brings you to the mindset of me using lines
Sometimes, I get a fake smile or cute laugh
As your friend I would like a hug
You know the kind, where you rub my back
I’ve been around through his mistakes
I wish you would wake up!
What does it take?
Even been there when he hit you with the…
“We need a break”
“It’s me not you”
“I need time to find me”
“I found someone new”
Thats when I thought, we could be together
Guess what do you do?
Your heart grows cold
I go from your friend, to your future, to becoming apart of your past
I hate it when this happens, but the truth is, Us Good Guys, we all finish dead last
Wade NightWriter Townsend
blog me- http://www.wtownsend.blogspot.com/
Twitter me-http://twitter.com/NightWriterpoet
I like this, very relatable